Finding Safety Data Sheets has never been easier!

Simply follow these easy steps to access the safety documentation you require for products available from Gregg Distributors LP.

Step #1

Search for the product and select the item from the results. You will be then redirected to the product page.

Legacy Catalogue Search Screenshoot

Step #2

Under the "Details" Tab on the product page, scroll-down to Specifications. You will now see the blue button to view the Safety Data Sheets. Please be aware that a product page without a "View SDS" button simply means that a SDS is not available.

Legacy Catalogue Search Screenshoot

Step #3

Clicking the "View SDS" from the product page will display the specific SDS in a popup window. Options to resize, print and download the file are accessible within this popup.

Legacy Catalogue Search Screenshoot


To do another search, use the search bar again and repeat the process.